Monday, March 5, 2012

Miqdad, the Great Sahabi (companion) of the Holy Prophet (s.a.)

In Ramadan, 2 AH, 313 Muslim fighters or Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) went outside Madina Al-Munawara to attack a Quraishi trade caravan coming from Sham (present Syria). The caravan was very big and had one thousand camels. Abu Sufyan, the enemy of Islam, was leading this caravan.
When the Muslims or Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) immigrated (Hijrah) from Makkah to Madina Al-Munawara, the polytheists attacked and robbed their houses. For this reason, the Prophet (pbuh) wanted to bring back the Muslims' money. Besides he wanted to punish the Quraish. So, he began threatening their trade caravans.
The Muslims or Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) camped near Badr wells. They were waiting for the arrival of the caravan. After a period of time, they heard bad news. The news was that Abu Sufyan changed the course of the caravan. Meanwhile, the Quraish were preparing a big army with good weapons to save the caravan from the Muslims.
The Muslims went out to control the trade caravan. They were not thinking about facing the big army.
Our Master the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked his companions' opinions.
Umar bin al-Khattab stood up and said: It's Quraish and its disloyalty (i.e. the Quraish are always disloyal). By Allah! It (the Quraish) has not become abase since it became strong. And it has not believed (in Allah) since it disbelieved (in Allah).
The Muslims or Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) were very worried when they heard Umar bin al-Khattab's words. Moreover, some of the Muhajirun (Emigrants) thought about coming back to Madina Al-Munawara.
During those sensitive moments, Hazrat Miqdad ibn Aswad al-Kindi (ra) stood up and said with enthusiasm:
Allah's Prophet, go on obeying Allah's order! We will support you! By Allah, we won't say as the Jews had said to their prophet: You and your Lord, go and fight! We will stay here! We say: You and your Lord, go and fight! We will fight with you.
Happy expression appeared on the Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) face. Then the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked the Ansar (Helpers): What shall I do?
Sa'd ibn Muadh was a chief of the Banu Aus tribe answered: Allah's Prophet, we have believed in you. We will confess that which you have brought is true. We will promise to hear and obey! Then, Allah's Prophet, go on and do whatever you wanted! By Allah! If you asked us to cross the Red Sea, we would do!
The Muslims or Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) were full of enthusiasm. They got ready to face the polytheists with hearts filled with faith. The battle of Badr started and Muslims or Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) won it. Then they came back and remembered Hazrat Miqdad ibn Aswad al-Kindi's (ra) words.
Al-Miqdad belonged to Kinda's tribe. He escaped from his tribe and inhabited in Makkah. There he belonged to a man called al-Aswad bin Abid Yaqut al-Zuhry. So, people called him al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad. In connection with al-Miqdad, this verse came down: Call them with their fathers' names. For this reason, people called him al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad.
When Miqdad ibn Aswad became twenty-four years old, then he heard about our Master the Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) mission. He hurried to believe in the new religion. Miqdad ibn Aswad kept his Islam a secret. He met our Master the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) secretly. Thus, he was among the earlier Muslims. He always felt the Muslims' sufferings.
Our Master the Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) ordered his Sahaba (Companions of the Prophet (pbuh)) to immigrate (Hijrah) to Madina Al-Munawara. They immigrated one by one or group by group to avoid persecutions of polytheists.
Then Allah, the Glorified, ordered His Prophet to immigrate (Hijrah) to Madina Al-Munawara. Miqdad ibn Aswad rejoiced at the safety of Allah's Prophet. He admired the Muslim young man Imam Ali bin Abu Talib (as) who sacrificed his life to save our Master the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from polytheists' swords.
When our Master the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) immigrated (Hijrah) to Madina Al-Munawara, the polytheists attacked and robbed the Muslims' houses. So, our Master Master the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) thought about threatening the Quraishi trade caravan as a punishment. More

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