Monday, April 20, 2020

A Woman Who Did Not Accept a Young Man to be Her Own Son

Kulaini and Sheikh Mohiyyuddin ibne Arabi have described on the authority of Aasim Bin Hamza Alsalooli, who said that he saw a young man crying in a street of Medina, 
“O’ God decide the case between me and my mother”. 
Umar, who was passing by admonished the youth:
‘Don’t call your mother’s name’. 
The man said, “O’ Ameer ul-Momineen! My mother gave me birth and then nursed me for two years, but now when I have grown up, she refuses to own me as her son. She also denies to have ever been married to my father, who is dead, but wants to keep his whole property with the claim that my father was her only brother and thus deprives me of my due share therein”. 
Hearing this Umar called the woman, who produced about forty persons from her tribe as witnesses. They all gave evidence in her favour. Thereupon Umar decided the case against the youth and ordered him to be imprisoned for ‘iftara’ (wrong accusation). 
When the youth was being carried away to the prison; Hazrat Ali (a.s.) happened to pass by that way. The young boy implored him to come to his rescue and related his story to him also.
Hazrat Ali (a.s.) asked his escort to take him back to Umar which they did. 
Umar asked them as to why they had brought him back. 
They told him that it was done at the order of Hazrat Ali (a.s.). 
Hazrat Ali (a.s.) who had also by the time, reached the scene asked Umar, whether he consented if he decided the case. 
To this Umar replied. “By all means, what would be better than this? I have heard the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) saying that your knowledge is the best than that of all of us. 
Hazrat Ali (a.s.) then called the woman and all the witnesses again. They all repeated turn by turn, what they had said before Umar. Hazrat Ali (a.s.) then asked the woman and her near relatives if they agreed to his marrying her to somebody to which they all agreed. 
Thereupon, Hazrat Ali (a.s.) asked his personal servant Qambar to bring 400 dirhams and said
to the woman, “I marry you to this young man for 400 dirhams as your dower.” When the dirhams were brought, he handed them over to the young man and ordered him to go away with the woman and give the dirhams to her. When the young man was about to leave Hazrat Ali (a.s.) added: “Come to me again but not before you both have passed the night as husband and wife”. Hearing this, the woman cried out: ‘Fie, Fie.’ Then she said, “O brother of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) you have married me to my own son”. 
Hazrat Ali (a.s.) said: “Why did you deny the fact before?”
The woman apologized took the hand of the young man in her hand and went away. When she was gone, Umar exclaimed, “Had not there been Ali, Umar would have perished”.
The above event has also been described by Saheb Fazl ibne Shazan who has carried it from Waqadi from Jaabir and from Salman turn by turn with some difference.

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