When Hazrat Ibraheem ع left Hajira and newborn Hazrat Ismaeel ع in the midst of the desert, there was no logic or wisdom behind it. He handed them some water and a few dates, then he simply left without providing any explanation.
While she was going away, she used to hide her tracks from Sarah. Then all of a sudden she finds herself in the midst of a barren valley where there was no life. There was absolutely nothing! While Hazrat Ibraheem accompanied her, she didn’t question about their destination or the wilderness of the way, she trusted him. She knew that he is taking her to a safe haven, or that he was her safe haven. Her heart was at peace while he was with them, but as soon as he left, she chased him, but he didn’t say anything. She was puzzled, full of confusion because her husband, her everything, was forsaking her and that too in the middle of nowhere. Ibraheem didn’t put up a tent and leave them there, he didn’t provide them provisions and leave, he left them in a valley where there was no sign of life.
This wasn’t meant to end like this. Yes, she was a slave of Ibraheem’s other wife, Sarah. Naturally, she didn’t command the status that Sarah enjoyed, but this is not the way to forsake someone in the middle of nowhere. Slaves don’t have anyone to call their own. In the entire world, Ibraheem was the only one she could call hers. Imagine! And the only person she trusted so dearly is forsaking her and their newborn?
He is not withdrawing in a setting where others could have consoled her, he is withdrawing from her at a place where the only presence is that of hers and Allah’s.
Ibraheem’s lips were sealed, he was not answering any of her questions. Imagine what she must have been going through. If Ibraheem didn’t care about her, at least the child was his. What was the fault of this newborn? Why was he being forsaken?
Then she asked him if Allah had asked him to do so? Yes, nodded. She stopped and said something that will continue to provide us hope until the end of times, She said ‘Izin laa Yadeanaa’ ‘Then HE will not forsake us’.
Immediately, she was at peace, knowing that this is from Allah and Allah never forsakes his slaves. Despite the fact that there was no roof over her head, the waterskin was almost empty, they barely had food, and she is with a newborn!
Despite all that, she was at peace, knowing that Allah is watching over them. She knew that if Allah had brought her up to here, he will get her through. And the same happened.
She wasn’t a Prophet to leave Sunnah behind, she was only a slave girl, and yet her running b/w the mountains in search of water is emulated by everyone who goes for pilgrimage. Not just the run, but even the number of times she ran b/w those mountains has to be imitated!
When Prophet Musa asked for water for his Ummah, Allah asked him to strike the rock with his staff and springs gushed forth but in case of Hajira Allah send the best of all angels, Jibreel to gush forth a spring for her!
Similarly, you might be feeling like in the midst of nowhere, forsaken! Without any explanation or reason. Nothing would be making any sense anymore and like Hajira you must be battling your mirages, but remember HE will not forsake you.
The tides will change, you will receive your share of Zamzam. And then you will see a barren in the midst of nowhere developing into the center of the world, you will understand the wisdom behind you being forsaken & necessity of all those mirages. Courtesy: Gowhar's Blog